As more homeowners realize the benefits of organic gardening, both general gardening and particular garden design are gaining popularity. Growing food costs, the pandemic and economic uncertainty have all contributed to a growing interest in gardening and in raising flowers and other vegetables.

Many gardeners are now turning to organic gardening methods to avoid the negative effects of pollution and increase awareness about climate change.

What is organic gardening?

Organic gardening means gardening without pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic gardening goes beyond replacing synthetic chemicals with natural ones. Organic gardening is a way of gardening that promotes the overall health of the ecosystem. Organically managed gardens and yards place more emphasis on creating an ecosystem that supports and nourishes plants, soil microbes, and beneficial insects than just making them grow.

Understanding your landscape and the microclimates is key to creating this ecosystem. Each property has many distinct areas that have different amounts of sunlight, shade and moisture. By analyzing these microclimates you can identify which plants will thrive and where they should be planted.

Next, you will need to analyze the soil. To do this, contact your local university agricultural extension. This test will reveal what nutrients and micronutrients your soil contains, as well as the type and structure of your soil. This information will allow you to understand which plants you can grow and how well your drainage is. It will also help you to determine what amendments are needed to ensure healthy plant growth.

Based on the results of your tests, there is a good chance that you will need to make improvements to your soil. Mixing compost into soil can increase its ability to retain water and nutrients. It also supports beneficial microbes that are crucial for healthy plant growth. You can make compost at home using grass clippings and yard debris as well as kitchen scraps. Or you can buy compost from a garden center or mulch supplier.

Organic gardening at home

While organic matter and compost can improve the soil’s ability hold nutrients, they don’t provide enough nutrients to feed most plants. Organic gardeners can use fertilizers that are derived from natural resources such as biochar and rock phosphate. They also have plant products such as seaweed or wood ash to make up the nutrient gaps.

These are just a few of the many ways you can make your organic gardening adventure more enjoyable and productive.

1. Make sure you have the right tools

You won’t need many tools to maintain a simple lawn and garden. A rake, some tools such as a trowel, spade, trowel and weeder are all you need for regular maintenance. You also need a wheelbarrow, cart, and a lawnmower. A rake is better than a leaf blower, as it not only kicks up leaves but can also release contaminants that could pose a danger to your health. Drip systems or soaker hoses can help maintain a consistent temperature in your garden, which will increase the likelihood of happy and healthy plants.

A reel push mower works best for trimming grass, as long as it has sharp blades. However, larger lawns may not be suitable for this model. A riding mower is not necessary unless you have a large yard. It uses significantly more natural resources than a gas, electric, or reel push mower. An electric mower is an option if you require more power than a reel mower. It doesn’t use gasoline. Make sure to cut high when mowing your lawn.

2. Select native and noninvasive plants

Native plants are those that are native to your area or climate zone. They are adaptable to local conditions and can thrive in them. While native plants require less maintenance than non-natives, they are more easily managed. However, maintenance can vary from species to species. There are many benefits to using native plants in your garden, such as:

  • They bring in pollinators, which are beneficial to the local ecosystem
  • They are a source of seeds, nuts and fruits for squirrels, as well as other mammals.
  • Because it uses less natural resources, native garden design is more sustainable.

3. Plant-based and naturally occurring materials can be used in your garden.

It is important to select the correct type or combination organic nutrients and fertilizers that will work best for your garden. Some products can be completely plant-based, while others may be animal-based. Some products may contain a mixture of animal-, plant-, or mineral-based ingredients.

4. Make a maintenance plan

Maintenance aims to ensure that everything thrives as a community of plants. It is essential to maintain a healthy garden by regularly weeding, trimming and pruning. Also make sure you are watching for harmful insects and diseases.

Consider the plants you have, your climate and how often they are watered. This will allow you to reduce the amount of water that you use and maintain a high level of moisture.