According to the American Society of Landscape Architects, climate change is a rapidly increasing factor in landscape design. Both the built and natural environment are being affected by rising temperatures, severe droughts and more frequent, larger storms.

The following five factors can have a major impact on the landscaping plan of property owners who are considering a new project:

Shifting zone plant growing zones

The USDA Plant Hardiness Map gives a breakdown of the areas where plants can survive, based on their maximum and minimum temperatures. The majority of eastern Massachusetts falls within zones 6 and 7. The USDA warns that global warming has already affected plant-growth environments in eastern Massachusetts, which are located in zones 6 and 7. Homeowners need to check that the plants they have grown previously are still suitable for their garden and beds.

Changes in conditions that could affect plant selection

As we experience warmer winters and hotter Summers, changes in temperature and water availability can have a significant impact on our plant choices. To maximize yields and keep color, the changing environment will impact when and what plants we plant. Some plants that have been successful for many decades in certain areas may not be able to withstand the heat or frost.

Alternate bloom patterns

Many plants have different first leaf and bloom dates, which makes it difficult to gauge major changes. The EPA Climate Change Indicators indicate that the growing season has increased by approximately two weeks since the beginning of the 20th century in the lower 48 US states. It has increased by about one day every ten years in the eastern half of the country. The growing season has become longer in almost all states across the country. This affects when and how many plants will flower.

Broken pollination cycles

The impact of climate change on flowering plants can have a ripple effect on other animals and insects. A Yale University report about climate change’s effect on pollinators showed that there are fewer honeybees in the United States from Colorado to New York. Although it may seem small, a few fewer honeybees is a significant issue. In fact, pollinators such as are essential for pollinating around 75 percent of the plants that make up our global food supply.

Scientists believe “false springs”, which are unseasonably warm temperatures in winter, are making it possible for pollinators like insects to appear earlier than normal and then be destroyed by frost and cold late in the season. The problem is made worse by the fact that pollinator and plant life cycle changes are increasing. Sometimes, the availability of pollinators and plants don’t match up and pollination isn’t possible because the blooms aren’t available when they are needed.

Changing irrigation needs

Irrigation systems can be a cost-effective, convenient and efficient way to water lawns, gardens and trees. As we see more swings between droughts and floods, it is becoming more difficult to monitor water needs and manage the right amount of irrigation. If you are considering installing an automated irrigation system or if you already have one, ensure it has moisture sensors.

Landscaping Today: What can we do now to combat climate change

It is important to adapt landscapes that have been built or managed to climate change. Planting native species is essential for maintaining a healthy and thriving environment. The best place to start is local nurseries, which specialize in native plants in New England. Online resources provide searchable regional plant lists as well as local suppliers.

The Audubon Society offers an online native plant database which can help you identify which native plants attract what birds, so that you can create a more integrated ecosystem. To encourage diversity and support pollinators, add different plant species to your landscape design.

To get a better understanding about your landscape environment, you should carefully study it before planting. This will allow you to determine the soil composition, weather conditions, sunlight exposure, wind speed, and other factors that can influence plant placement and hardscape design. It takes little effort to create and implement a landscape design that is minimally invasive and does not require artificial life support.