Growing up is all about learning to love the outdoors and playing outside. Maybe you remember fondly playing whiffleball with your siblings or going on adventures in your neighborhood with your dog. Or rolling in the grass looking up at the sky to see shapes in the clouds.

You want the same experiences for your kids, but how can you make it enjoyable and safe for them?

These five tips will assist you in assessing the options available in your locality and provide you with great inspiration to help your children create memories that are similar to your own.

1. Assess the needs of your child and look into community resources

When it comes to teaching children to enjoy the outdoors, there are many things to take into consideration. Safety is a key consideration for children who are young. You should plan a space that is close to them and has areas with more permeable terrain, such as grass or sand. Avoid using a lot stonework in your landscaping.

If your older children are interested in a place to play, swing, or grow, it is worth considering. Find out if there’s a nearby community park. It may not be a good idea to buy a soccer goal in a nearby park. You can instead invest in unique ways to help your children grow such as a sandbox and a treehouse.

2. Safety is your priority

You want your children to be able to freely explore the outdoor space you design. The play area should be visible from your home or patio so they can play freely while you work in the yard or kitchen. It is important to choose safe building materials for your children. Make sure to use products that are safe for children to use on your grass and plants.

It is tempting to protect them all, but creating a safe outdoor area means that children learn how to fall and heal from minor injuries. Do not stress about thinking of every way that a child could be hurt.

3. Design areas for games

When designing your outdoor play areas, consider the games your children love. Are they looking for a large flat area in which to play whiffleball or badminton? Would they rather have a designated hopscotch area? Make sure the ground is level and smooth when you prepare this area. You and your children will be able to avoid unnecessary trips and sprains, even if the ground is hilly.

4. Encourage imagination with your outdoor space

The wonders that children can experience in the great outdoors are unmatched. To encourage creativity, you can help them cultivate their outdoor space. You can give them a garden in which they can grow vegetables and other easy-to-grow crops. To stimulate their imagination and interest, you can create a whimsical path through your garden or a playhouse.

5. Remember to consider the needs of your entire family, especially furry friends!

Remember to consider the needs of your family pets, as they will likely be outside a lot along with your children. Your pets will need their own space. Your children should have enough space to play with their pets and to make positive memories.

Outdoor time is a great way to grow and learn. Their appreciation of nature and the environment will flourish. Being outside encourages competition, play and imagination. Studies have shown that children who spend more time outdoors are healthier, happier, and have better social skills.

It’s easier to design a yard for your children with the help of an experienced landscaping company. You can have a yard that will make memories your children will cherish for the rest of the lives. Download the free ebook for more information about how to create a stunning outdoor living space.