Timing your garden is more than just thinking about the planting, growing and harvesting seasons. It is important to consider the life cycle of plants in your garden. You can make your yard welcoming, relaxing, and vibrant with a little planning and foresight.

Staggering Bloom Times

Planting flowers and shrubs that are bloom all year is key to a vibrant garden full of beautiful flowers is the key to creating a garden that is lively and colorful. This effect can be achieved by using a variety of perennials, annuals and flowering shrubs. The University of Massachusetts suggests that you stick with 2 to 3 types of plants per bloom time if you’re just starting out.

These are some common plants arranged according to their bloom time.

Spring bloomers in the early to mid-April and June

  • Crocus
  • Snowdrop
  • Daffodil
  • Shade-loving perennials include the lungwort
  • Witch hazel
  • Salvia (perennial).

Summer bloomers (late summer through August)

  • Blue star Amsonia (perennial)
  • Iris
  • Asclepius tuberosa (perennial butterfly weed)
  • The blooming season of Hydrangea begins in the summer.

Late bloomers (August to September), through October, or later

  • The butterfly bush
  • Clethra, also known as summersweet,
  • Garden mum

For a complete list of bloom times for vegetable as well as perennials, visit the UMass website.

Take into account more than just bloom

Flowers are beautiful, but many people require more from their gardens than aesthetics. If you want to create a tranquil meditation garden you might also need plants that provide shade and enclosure. This will enhance your connection to nature.

Some plants that bloom together may not provide the same amount of shade or growth. Mertensia and daffodils, for example, bloom at the same time every year but look totally different.

Coordinate Perennials

Perennials can be replanted every year without the need for new planting. This gives you the best value for your garden’s effort. Perennials can also be used to provide flexibility when planning for the types of flowers and plants that you wish to have in your garden.

Kim’s knee high, also known as Echinacea purpurea “Magnus” or cone flower, is one of our favourite perennials. It produces beautiful, bright pink blooms. Bridal Veil False SPirea, which has fern-like leaves and plumes of flowers, is another excellent choice. Both perennials are native to Massachusetts and are relatively hardy. Kim’s Knee High can also be used to attract birds and butterflies into your yard.

Make Your Garden Your Own

Although bloom time is an important factor when planning and arranging your garden, it’s only one. It’s important to consider what kind of outdoor environment you want. Are you a fan of brightly colored flowers? Would you prefer a peaceful yard with plenty of shade?

You can make your space unique by choosing the right flower times. If you would like to know more about how to stagger bloom times to design your landscape, contact Moodscapes.